Fraud detection

Fraud detection

by Sophia Becker -
Number of replies: 0

Please sign up below for the fraud detection interviews for your respective project.

If you are submitting at the first deadline, please sign up for an interview slot on May 31st or June 1st (deadline to sign up in the doodle: May 30th, 23:55 pm). If you are submitting at the second deadline, please sign up for an interview slot on June 6th or June 7th (deadline to sign up in the doodle: June 5th, 23:55 pm).


  • Please sign up for exactly one slot per group, and write the first and last name of all group members in the name field.
  • A maximum of 10 groups can sign up for one slot. Please make sure that your whole group is there in time for the beginning of your slot (rooms will be announced shortly).
  • Please contact Sophia (for DDPG) or Ariane (for DQN) directly if none of the slots available are possible for you.

Links to doodle:

  • DQN project:
  • DDPG project: