tp 7 / final report deadlines

tp 7 / final report deadlines

by Darlene Goldstein -
Number of replies: 0

hello everyone,  it's me again, 

I would like to very strongly encourage everyone who hasn't already sent me their tp 7 (moodle or email) to please do so

For anyone who can submit a tp 7 on or before 3 July (any time), I will be able to send you a commented version. Please email me your tp 7 as soon as you can. It will be very difficult to get a good mark in this course if you do not do tp 7. Conversely, you should be able to incorporate my comments into your final report, thereby increasing your chances of a good mark.

For anyone who submits tp 7 by 3 July (any time): I will accept your final report up until 10 July (any time) and will give BRIEF comments so that, if you like, you can RE-DO your final report incorporating those comments, giving you a further chance to possibly improve your course note. It is not required to submit your final report by 10 July, only if you want comments before your very final submission.

The final Final FINAL deadline for submitting your final report will be 12.00 (NOON) 17 July 2023. I will not be able to accept any report after that time for any reason - I am required to turn the course notes in by then.

Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions / problems / etc. - I am here to help you to succeed !!  🙂

Best regards,
