final reports

final reports

par Darlene Goldstein,
Nombre de réponses : 0

hello everyone, just a few announcements / updates:

  • If you have not yet submitted tp 7 (or a draft of your final report), please email it to me as soon as possible so that I will have time to comment it. I VERY STRONGLY recommend that you submit some kind of preliminary version so that you don't have an unhappy surprise for your final note.
  • There are still a few (late) tp 7 that I am commenting now, you should receive comments soon.
  • Please (try to) upload your final exam here (bottom of moodle page) by 15 July 23.59, at the VERY LATEST I can accept it until 16 July 23.59. After that, I cannot accept any exam for any reason.

Also, please try to follow as closely as possible the exam evaluation criteria (and additional tips and previous moodle announcement) so that you will have less to do for your final report. In particular, make sure that your report contains COMPLETE, MATHEMATICAL explanations, not just words or vague desriptions.

Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions / problems - we can work them out by email, meeting in person / zoom, through whatsapp / signal / sms, etc........

Best regards,
