

by Olivier Lévêque -
Number of replies: 0
Dear all,

I have published the grades on ISA; they should be visible to you by now.

You also find on Moodle the problem set and solutions of the exam (top of the page). Besides, here are also some stats:

The total number of points for the exam was 90, the average of the class 52.4 and the standard deviation 17.3 (yes, I have to admit that this exam was not exactly on the easy side...)

For the final grade, I rescaled the exam to 150 points (which corresponds to a multiplication by a factor 5/3), so as to make:

50 (midterm) + 50 (hwks) + 150 (exam) = 250 points in total

Here are the thresholds:

229+ points: grade 6
181+ points: grade 5
133+ points: grade 4
85+ points: grade 3
37+ points: grade 2

Regarding final grades, here are the stats: average of the class = 4.62, standard deviation = 0.83, success rate = 78%

For the exam consultation, the best is to wait for the beginning of the next semester until everyone is back in Lausanne. On my side, I will soon be on holidays; if there is anything urgent, you can always drop me an email (but please be indulgent if you do not receive an immediate answer: in particular, I will not be reachable from July 13 until July 23).

All the best, and enjoy your holidays!