Mapping from /50 to /6 scale:

  • 0/50 --> 1/6
  • 25/50 --> 4/6
  • 37/50 --> 5/6
  • 48/50 --> 6/6
In between these 4 levels, the scale is linear, i.e.,
if x is the grade out of 50, and y is the grade out of 6:
  • 0<x<25, y = 3x/25 + 1
  • 25<=x<37, y = (x-25) /(37-25) + 4
  • 37<=x<48, y = (x-37)/(48-37) + 5
  • x>=48, y = 6

Last modified: Saturday, 11 February 2023, 20:01