Inconsistent A2C convergence to optimal policy with 1 worker and no batches

Inconsistent A2C convergence to optimal policy with 1 worker and no batches

by Alexei Ivan Nicolai Igor Ermochkine -
Number of replies: 1


During our lecture on Deep RL, slide 16 shows that A2C with 1 worker (on a cartpole task) doesn't converge to an optimal policy even within 6 million steps. Meanwhile, the project pdf (for the A2C on cartpole problem) states that for 1 worker and no batches, our agent should reach the optimal policy within 500k steps: 

"Success criteria and questions. Your agent should reach an optimal policy (i.e. an episodic return of 500) with most of your random seeds."

I am confused as to what to expect regarding my own results (my agent does not converge). Which source is right in this case?


Alexei Ermochkine

the lecture slide in question:

In reply to Alexei Ivan Nicolai Igor Ermochkine

Re: Inconsistent A2C convergence to optimal policy with 1 worker and no batches

by Skander Moalla -

Indeed, in deep RL performance can be highly dependent on the hyperparameters used. In the project, we give you a complete fixed set of optimization hyperparameters (learning rate, optimizer, etc.) that we have tested with multiple seeds to obtain the success criteria.
The runs on the slide are likely performed with other hyperparameters or implementation details (which for the sake of that lecture may not have been recorded or optimized).

The teaching team.