Format of handwritten notes in final exam

Format of handwritten notes in final exam

by Jannik Paul Endres -
Number of replies: 3


In the slides for the final exam, it is written that we are allowed to take 1 page A5 double-sided handwritten notes as an aid. Can we also take 1 page A4 single-sided handwritten notes instead? Or do we have to cut an A4 page in two pieces, if we only have A4 pages at home?

Best regards,


In reply to Jannik Paul Endres

Re: Format of handwritten notes in final exam

by Sophia Becker -

one A4 page single-sided is also fine (we will check that it's really single-sided before the exam starts).

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In reply to Jannik Paul Endres

Format of handwritten notes in final exam

by Pierre Hellich -

Is habdwritten on an Ipad also ok ?

In reply to Pierre Hellich

Re: Format of handwritten notes in final exam

by Sophia Becker -

it's better if you bring notes that are directly handwritten, but we also allow print-outs of your handwritten tablet/ipad notes, as long as you print them large enough to be still readable (i.e. in a size that is equivalent to handwriting). The same size constraints (A5 double-sided or A4 single-sided) apply.

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