Format of handwritten notes in final exam

Format of handwritten notes in final exam

par Jannik Paul Endres,
Nombre de réponses : 3


In the slides for the final exam, it is written that we are allowed to take 1 page A5 double-sided handwritten notes as an aid. Can we also take 1 page A4 single-sided handwritten notes instead? Or do we have to cut an A4 page in two pieces, if we only have A4 pages at home?

Best regards,


En réponse à Jannik Paul Endres

Re: Format of handwritten notes in final exam

par Sophia Becker,

one A4 page single-sided is also fine (we will check that it's really single-sided before the exam starts).

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En réponse à Jannik Paul Endres

Format of handwritten notes in final exam

par Pierre Hellich,

Is habdwritten on an Ipad also ok ?

En réponse à Pierre Hellich

Re: Format of handwritten notes in final exam

par Sophia Becker,

it's better if you bring notes that are directly handwritten, but we also allow print-outs of your handwritten tablet/ipad notes, as long as you print them large enough to be still readable (i.e. in a size that is equivalent to handwriting). The same size constraints (A5 double-sided or A4 single-sided) apply.

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