What should we revise - Conclusion

What should we revise - Conclusion

by Ahmed Boubakry -
Number of replies: 4


I was wondering on the last slide of the course, if the meaning was to revise only the course content (not additionnal material), or the slide meant that the exam questions will be oriented towards segmentation? Thank you

In reply to Ahmed Boubakry

Re: What should we revise - Conclusion

by Corentin Dumery -
Hi Ahmed, the exam will be about all course content and not specifically Segmentation.
In reply to Corentin Dumery

Re: What should we revise - Conclusion

by Minwen Mao -
Hi Corentin,
I am wondering whether the 'Shape from Motion' would be included in the test, if so, can you please upload the video record for this lecture?
In reply to Minwen Mao

Re: What should we revise - Conclusion

by Chen Zhao -
It might be included. I'm not sure if we have the video record.