Exam Instructions

Exam Instructions

by Charbel Toumieh -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students,

The exam for the Evolutionary Robotics course will take place on the 28th of June from 15:15-16:15 at CM1121. The room's layout is attached to this message (in the zip file). Each student will sit on the table with his/her name on it and there will be an empty seat between him/her and the student next to him/her. Please bring only an ink pen and your ID. The instructions for the exam are also attached to this message (in the zip file).

- Is it only multiple-choice questions (MCQ), or is there an open-ended part?
The exam is only MCQ.

- Do the MCQs allow for multiple answers, and are there negative points for incorrect answers?
Each question has 4 choices. There is only one correct answer among the choices which gives you +3 points. If you pick incorrectly you lose one point (-1). If you give no answer or select more than one, you get 0 points.

- What kind of questions can we expect? Could you provide some examples?
The type of questions that figure in the last slide (Checkpoints) of each lecture.

Charbel Toumieh