Wrong answer penalty and MCQ ratio

Wrong answer penalty and MCQ ratio

by Ahmad Bilal Kakar -
Number of replies: 5


I would like to know how the penalty is applied for a mcq that has 3 correct choices and only two of them have been selected by a student? 

I don’t know if it is possible to know the ratio of mcqs and open questions?

Thanks in advance. 

In reply to Ahmad Bilal Kakar

Re: Wrong answer penalty and MCQ ratio

by Corentin Dumery -
Hi Ahmad,
Each answer of a multiple choice question is awarded +1 point if correct and −1 point if incorrect. If the whole question is left unanswered no points are awarded. Note that "correct" means that a true answer should be ticked and that a false one should be left unticked.
In reply to Corentin Dumery

Re: Wrong answer penalty and MCQ ratio

by Ahmad Bilal Kakar -

Ok then if two out of three correct choices are chosen, we get  -1 ? there is no partial grades?

What about the MCQs and open questions ratio?


In reply to Ahmad Bilal Kakar

Re: Wrong answer penalty and MCQ ratio

by Corentin Dumery -
No, here "answer" refers to an option in the MCQ. If you answer YYNN (Yes/No) when YYYN is expected, you get +1 +1 -1 +1, so +2.
About the ratio, it is comparable to past exams.
In reply to Corentin Dumery

Re: Wrong answer penalty and MCQ ratio

by Ali Bakly -
In the page for the 2020 mock exam it stated: "there will be 32 multiple choice questions and a text question" in the real exam. I assume it is the same this year?
In reply to Ali Bakly

Re: Wrong answer penalty and MCQ ratio

by Chen Zhao -
Not really. The number of those questions could be different.