logistic regression comments available

logistic regression comments available

by Darlene Goldstein -
Number of replies: 0

hello everyone,

Thank you once again for your patience, I have uploaded the logistic regression comments at the bottom of the course moodlel page - they are in 3 files by last name: A-G / H-Q / R-Z.

There are still some comments missing from the late submissions, I plan to finalize those tomorrow.

If you still have not uploaded a preliminary report, please submit it on moodle (under 'more late reports', near the bottom of the course page) and I will get to it as soon as possible.......

As I said before, the grading will be a bit more lax on your final report, so do not spend a lot of time making revisions - focus on the parts that will give the most points, and spend maybe 2-4 hours doing that.

Again, I really appreciate your patience, and it has been my great pleasure to work with you all this semester !!

Best regards,