Hw9 ex3

Hw9 ex3

by Giovanni Luigi Ranieri -
Number of replies: 1


In this part I undestand that we first write the middle operator of the left-hand-side with the hint given in the exercice. After that I'm confused with applying the cauchy-schwarz inequality because If I want to use it with it's definition (by having a scalar product without operators in the middle), then we should first complex conjugate the first paranthesis of the hint no, since [A,A'] x I_B is not self-adjoint right? So the part ([A,A'] x I_B) needs to be complexe conjugate and then applied on the bra psi?

I hope the question is clear and if not will there be a session before the exam to ask questions?


In reply to Giovanni Luigi Ranieri

Re: Hw9 ex3

by Nicolas Macris -
The adjoint is equal to minus itself. For the a and the b terms. The two minus’s multiply and give a + sign. Its all consistent.