Software Profiling

Software Profiling

par Lucas Biotto,
Number of replies: 1

I can't figure out how to do the "software profiling" at all with my own hardware and software of the lab2. I am following the indications of the last tutorial given (see the joined file) but the "gmon.out" is not generated. In fact I can't find the "<profiler_software_examples>/eclipse_source_files/profiler_gnu" folder as explain in the page 9. I don't know if I miss something else for doing this profiling correctly but for the moment I am stuck. Does anyone has succeeded in doing the "software profiling" and can maybe help me a little bit?

Thanks for your help!
In reply to Lucas Biotto

Re: Software Profiling

par René Beuchat,


it would be better to say what your are doing exactly if you want some help.

We could see that tomorrow during the lab.

Good night.