Info: Where should my code go on Gitlab

Info: Where should my code go on Gitlab

by Cristina Basescu -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students,

Many of you might already be familiar with the structure, but the following will hopefully clarify any remaining confusion.

1. Please add your homework x implementation in the homework x repository only. For example, your homework 0 repository cs438-hw0-student-<x> should not contain any parts of any other homework -- in particular, do not add the homework 1 implementation there. One reason is that other students received access to your homework 0 repository, in order to review it and / or build on it. Thus, homework 1 code should reside in cs438-hw1-student-<Gitlab_account> only.

2. Please develop your code on a separate development branch. We will push test-related code to your master branch, so please do not change it.

Our goal was to enforce the above with appropriate permissions, but it seems we've got a few rough edges.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Best regards,
The CS-438 team