Lab 1 - Q30

Lab 1 - Q30

by Olivier Cloux -
Number of replies: 2


Looking at the feedback for Lab1, I see we received 0/1 for Q30, although I don't think there is a Q30. Is that a typo? I don't know the relation points <--> grade, so I'm not sure if it affected or not the lab grade.

Thanks in advance :)

In reply to Olivier Cloux

Re: Lab 1 - Q30

by Marguerite Marie Nathalie Delcourt -

Hi Olivier,

This is simply the feedback for the research exercise, which is non-mandatory. This just means that you did not do the bonus question.

Best regards,


In reply to Marguerite Marie Nathalie Delcourt

Re: Lab 1 - Q30

by Olivier Cloux -

Oh I see. Because there is an independent entry in the grade calculator, I didn't realize the feedback for the research exercise was here.

Thanks for the quick answer!