Downloading ELF Process failed - checklist

Downloading ELF Process failed - checklist

par Leonardo Mussa,
Nombre de réponses : 0

This is a very common error that usually has a very silly cause but can make you loose a lot of time. Here is a short checklist of some possible solutions to the problem. 

Note that this is NOT A COMPLETE LIST!  Feel free to add points if you think it might help 

Qsys and Quartus:

  1. did you run the .tcl script?
  2. reset signals are well connected?
  3. did you set the top-level file in its right-click menu?
  4. when programming the FPGA make sure the selected device is "5CSEMA5F31"


  1. did you recreate the project BSP after modifying the hardware?
  2. did you select the right file to upload? (try right-clicking on the project name and run from the drop-down menu)
  3. are you running the right project corresponding to the programmed softcore?
  4. if nothing worked, did you try restarting Eclipse?

  • Under "Run configurations":

  1. ignore mismatched system ID is checked?
  2. ignore mismatched system timestamp is checked?
  3. did you press "refresh connections" ?

Hope it helps!