Hello everyone,
Both deadlines for the miniprojects have passed, and now is the time to schedule the 2nd (and the last) round of the fraud detection interviews.
Below, you can find links to 2 separate Doodle polls:
- For groups that have chosen the reinforcement-learning (RL) project*: https://doodle.com/poll/piik56i4iqsqduzv?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link
- For groups that have chosen the feed-forward (FF) project*: https://doodle.com/poll/iba4g6gvr46qqb8a?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link
Here is a brief instruction of what you are supposed to do:
- Each group should choose one 5-minute time slot (i.e., only one student from each group needs to vote in a pole).
- As you put your name in the poll, please use a combination of your and your group-mate's full names (same as the one on Moodle) in this way "Name1-Name2".
- We will send you a Zoom link on the day of the interviews. Please join the link together with your group-mate at the time slot you are going to vote for.
Thanks a lot in advance for helping us organizing the interviews as efficiently as possible.
Best regards,
*: If the hyperlink does not work, just copy a link and paste it to a new tab.