Linear Dimensionality reduction

Linear Dimensionality reduction

by Yassine Abdennadher -
Number of replies: 4


In Lecture 11, I don't understand the goal of mapping the vector y which belong to R d ( the low dimensional space) to the vector x which belongs to the high-dimensional space?

Best regards,


In reply to Yassine Abdennadher

Re: Linear Dimensionality reduction

by Yassine Abdennadher -
In reply to Yassine Abdennadher

Re: Linear Dimensionality reduction

by Sena Kiciroglu -


Which slide do you mean?


In reply to Sena Kiciroglu

Re: Linear Dimensionality reduction

by Yassine Abdennadher -
In reply to Yassine Abdennadher

Re: Linear Dimensionality reduction

by Sena Kiciroglu -


The point here is to actually first project the data to a lower dimension, and then back to the higher dimension. This is also elaborated upon in slides 27-29. What we achieve by doing this is getting rid of the noise in the data (because when we map to the lower dimension, the transform lets us keep only the most essential parts of the data). Then, when we map the data back to the original dimension (so now we are going from low dimension to high dimension), we have removed the noise from the data, and should have a cleaner reconstruction.

