Mock exam question

Mock exam question

by Shayan Khajehnouri -
Number of replies: 1

Hello, I had a problem calculating the answer of exercise 1.5.1 of the mock exam. I calculated 130 but the answer is 190. Can you please explain how you get that result ?

In reply to Shayan Khajehnouri

Re: Mock exam question

by Sena Kiciroglu -

You have 8 input dimensions (7 for the days of the week and 1 for time of day).

You have 2 hidden layers, each with 10 nodes (no bias).

You have 1output dimension (the probability of being checked, as a scalar).

First you will go from input to layer 1 (8 X10), then you will go from layer 1 to layer 2 (10 X 10), finally layer 2 to output (10 X 1).

8 X 10 + 10 X 10 + 10 X 1 = 190

