Possibility to have mock-exam questions for the latest chapters

Possibility to have mock-exam questions for the latest chapters

by Titouan Alexis Arthur Renard -
Number of replies: 2

The mock-exam questions only cover the first part of the semester (until segmentation, I think), there are no sample questions on shape from X or even on the texture lecture. It would be nice if we had access to some sample question on those subjects as well, would it be possible to get access to some old exam questions on that, or just to some old finals?

In reply to Titouan Alexis Arthur Renard

Re: Possibility to have mock-exam questions for the latest chapters

by Thomas Théo Nehemie Benchetrit -

Yes please ! 

Moreover, can we also have more than one older full exam with answers to study efficiently ? 

As we did not have a lot of exercise session as well, I don't really know how to study for this exam.  You said in previous answer that we should be able to understand the general algorithm, but to which extent ? Can we have a list of all the algorithm/specific part of the course that we need to master for the exam , or at least a sheet of of reference for the Szeliki reference book ? 

Thank you for the answer  !