Deep Learning questions - clarifications

Deep Learning questions - clarifications

by Giorgio Mannarini -
Number of replies: 1


given that, as previously mentioned, there are going to be questions about the guest lecture (Deep Learning), could we have some examples / exercises like for the rest of the class? To be honest the broad overview that has been given, although interesting, was full of mathematical passages taken for granted, some of them pretty hard to understand (especially when talking about transformers and attention). How far should we go while studying the lecture? 

Thank you,

Best regards,


In reply to Giorgio Mannarini

Re: Deep Learning questions - clarifications

by Jean-Cédric Chappelier -
Since this was a guest lecture and we didn't provide exercises nor review session, we won't ask questions about technical details or practice, but might ask some question about the fundamentals, general principles, general how-to, etc.