Paper Presentations

Paper Presentations

by Lakmal Buddika Meegahapola -
Number of replies: 0

Dear all, 

As we start with the paper presentation & discussion this week, here are some recommendations based on questions from previous years.

Presenters will introduce the facts as stated in the paper, with a presentation that addresses the questions shown in the slide about paper logistics: (1) what problem is addressed? (2) what are the scientific contributions? (3) what are the proposed methods? (4) what are the findings?

Discussants will engage the class about a number of topics directly related to the paper (e.g., particular insights of interest), and also extend what the paper talks about (e.g. implications of this research in society, future research questions), as mentioned in the slide about paper logistics. Discussants will typically have a few slides to establish the flow of ideas as they lead the class. Think of this as a Q&A, where discussants will prepare the Qs and engage the class to get the As. Discussants can use a combination of open-ended questions for students to talk about, and of multiple-choice questions, for which they could use an online poll to collect real-time answers. They could use pointers to other resources (e.g. a YouTube video related to your question). Any creative way of engaging the class is welcome!
Reminder for both presenters & discussants: the rest of the students have not been required to read the full paper in all details, but only to get familiar with it.

The DH-500 teaching team