Lab 1 Bonus Exercise

Lab 1 Bonus Exercise

by Stephane Sameh Saad Selim -
Number of replies: 2


Could you explain the solution to the bonus exercise of lab 1, where you calculate the latency as being 2d * single link latency? Thanks



In reply to Stephane Sameh Saad Selim

Lab 1 Bonus Exercise

by Edin Guso -
Hello Stephane,

In the tree structure, all of the nodes will be leaves of the tree (the non-leaf nodes will all be routers).

So if you select a node from one half of the tree, it needs to go up to the root (depth d) and then all the way back down to leaves (depth d) in order to communicate with other half of the nodes.

Thus, the latency is 2 * d * single link latency.
