[Lab 3] CodeD.py Connection Refused

[Lab 3] CodeD.py Connection Refused

by Ganyuan Cao -
Number of replies: 4


I  am  having "ConnectionRefusedError:  [Errno 111] Connection Refused" when running the CodeD.py

Is there any reason why this happens?

Thank you!



In reply to Ganyuan Cao

[Lab 3] CodeD.py Connection Refused

by Gaiëtan Renault -
Hello Gan,

Connection refused is generally due to a client not able to reach out the server. What is your environment; are you on a VM or on a MininetVM ? Are you connected to EPFL VPN or on the EPFL Wifi ? And is CodeC.py running concurrently on another terminal ?

If error persists don't hesitate to come today at practical session,
In reply to Gaiëtan Renault

Re: [Lab 3] CodeD.py Connection Refused

by Ganyuan Cao -
Hello Gaiëtan,

Thank you for the reply!

I am on EPFL VPN. I tried on both my Linux host and the MininetVM but neither of them work.

CodeC.py works well but CodeD.py returns a ConnectionRefused Error.

Thank you!

In reply to Ganyuan Cao

Re: [Lab 3] CodeD.py Connection Refused

by Gaiëtan Renault -
One of the script is the server and the other one is a client. You should run both scripts in the same time (in separate terminals) and in the right order.

Hope this helps.