All comments available

All comments available

by Darlene Goldstein -
Number of replies: 0

hello everyone, I have uploaded all report comments (I think), you can find these in Week 14 on the course moodle page. If you don't find your comments, please let me know - it is very possible that your report has gotten overlooked (I have around 250 reports !! , some of you submitted them in unexpected places, etc.). I will get your comments to you right away.

In addition, I have added some new sections after week 14 on moodle to clarify where to submit late or final reports:

  • More LATE preliminary reports (any) - if you have not yet submitted a preliminary report (group or individual), please submit it here.
  • Final GROUP reports - Deposit slots
  • Final INDIVIDUAL reports - Deposit slots

If you find you have submitted your report in the wrong place, please try to delete it and re-submit it to the right place. If this is not possible, just submit a duplicate report in the correct place and I will figure it out.

I want to re-iterate how very much I appreciate your patience, I have tried to give feedback that will be helpful in making your final reports and it takes time when there are so many reports (~70 group reports and 250 individual reports). But please don't freak out or stress, this period of suffering (and learning !!) will soon pass. 

You don't need to take ages to revise your report, MAX 2-3 hours on group reports and 4-5 hours individual report should suffice, depending on how much you need to fix. And the grading will be more gentle the next time around.....

If you do not have to re-do your report(s), please do NOT submit anything in the final report slot(s). 

If you have any questions or problems, I want to hear about it - I'm hear to help you !! We can figure things out by email, in person, on whatsapp or signal, sms, or on zoom. I have already communicated with many of you through these means, and I am available and prepared to give my all to help you out in any way that I can.

Take care and ........ NO STRESS !!    🙂

Best regards,
