Difference in Bell states convention

Difference in Bell states convention

by Joachim Yann Despature -
Number of replies: 2

I noticed there was a difference in the definition of the bell states between the notes and the videos. As it makes a big difference in the results of Homework 8, which of these two convention should be used ?Bell states convention 1?Bell States Convention 2

In reply to Joachim Yann Despature

Re: Difference in Bell states convention

by Nicolas Macris -
Better to use the convention of the class notes please.
However if you use another one specify your convention in your solution.
In reply to Nicolas Macris

Re: Difference in Bell states convention

by Nicolas Macris -
So I mean better use the convention of class notes in chapter 6 page 88 for the Bell states.

If you have already done the calculations with another convention it doesnt matter (we adapt).