Homework 8 exercise 2 probabilities

Homework 8 exercise 2 probabilities

by Daniel Andrzej Polka -
Number of replies: 1


I'm not quite sure how to compute the probabilities of the different outcomes for the global shared state. I successfully computed all four possible outcomes, but I don't know what formula/method I should use to compute the probability that a certain outcome should arise in this exercise. Could someone point me to some class notes or explain it to me please? Thanks in advance.

In reply to Daniel Andrzej Polka

Re: Homework 8 exercise 2 probabilities

by Nicolas Macris -


If you computed the four possible outcomes, you have computed the projection P |psi> where

P is the appropriate projector and |psi> the initial state.

The probability of this outcome is then <psi| P |psi>.

Note that since P^2=P for a projector this is also equal to <psi| P^2|psi> and so it suffices to compute the norm of P|psi>.

Hope this clarifies