unity light: dark veil

unity light: dark veil

by Sébastien Gachoud -
Number of replies: 6


I am trying to make a flashlight with a "Spot Light" but a strange dark veil appears at the top or the bottom of the view when a certain angle is reached between the looking direction of the HMD and the flashlight direction.

Also, when I direct the flashlight on an illuminated surface the previous lighting goes dark.

Here is a video demonstrating the issues:


At the beginning you can see this dark veil I am talking about on the front wall and a little later the illumination problem on the ground.

I tried to remove shadows to see if it the dark veil was a shadow issue, but it is not. Does anyone has any clue about what it is and how to fix it?

My guess is that the illumination issue is due to an optimisation by unity. Is there a way to prevent that from happening?

All the best

In reply to Sébastien Gachoud

Re: unity light: dark veil

by Mathias Guy Delahaye -

Good morning,

Do you have a screenshot of the inspector's view of the lamp involved ?
Have you tried to set the Render Mode of the involved light to Important ?

Otherwise the Quality settings of the application can be configured into :
File > Build Settings > Player Settings ...
Then you can edit graphics settings within the Graphics, Player and Quality tabs.


In reply to Mathias Guy Delahaye

Re: unity light: dark veil

by Sébastien Gachoud -


Thank you for your answer. Here is the screenshot of the light in the inspector:

I tried a couple of settings in the build settings but it did not work and I have no idea of the function of most of them. This problem seems specific to spot light and related to the angle formed between the direction of the light and the direction of the look. Do you have any clue of what settings I should try to change?

All the best 

In reply to Sébastien Gachoud

Re: unity light: dark veil

by Louis Philippe Simoes Lopes -

Hi Sebastien,

Were you able to fix this problem? I did not understand with the standard black screen it was working normally or not.

I am afraid to troubleshoot this problem will be difficult as there are many variables in your scene. It can also just be an optimization performed.

Also, as I said did you check to see if your assets are using custom shaders, try chaging the material and see the effects? You can also try an play the culling mask and see if that changes anything.



In reply to Louis Philippe Simoes Lopes

Re: unity light: dark veil

by Sébastien Gachoud -


No I was not able to fix this issue. I tried to put the culling mask on a separate layer along with a wall but the same problem occured. 

All the best

In reply to Sébastien Gachoud

Re: unity light: dark veil

by Louis Philippe Simoes Lopes -

To add to this response, please keep in mind that if you are using Texture/Assets from 3rd Parties they may have their own custom shaders inbedded, which can react differently to lighting effects. Furthermore, if your level architecture is not correctly placed or has any irregularities, some occlusions will happen.

To test the spotlight render, why not create a empty scene with simple cube objects as walls and see if you still get this phenomenon. If so, then adjust the graphical settings as suggested.

