

by Lara Gervaise -
Number of replies: 2


It's specified that we need to submit a report in addition to the project. Would it be possible to know more about what is expected in this report ?

Thanks you!



In reply to Lara Gervaise

Re: report

by David Resin -

Hi Lara,

The guidelines document says you must provide a detailed report justifying your decisions on gameplay mechanics and implementations. Therefore you should :

- Explain how your game works
- Describe all the different mechanics and components of your game
- Justify why you chose those and why you implemented them that way
- Explain how they are fulfilling the evaluation criteria of the project (found on page 3 of the guidelines)

Feel free to include screenshots if they help explaining your point. Basically I should be able to recreate a game similar to yours with all the same features just by reading your report.

Keep in mind that you should not describe every single class and function in the report. This should be done in the comments of your code.

Did that answer your question?

Best of luck!

PS : Maybe Mathias can complete my answer if I left out anything :)