Project (Oral) Presentation

Project (Oral) Presentation

by Yusi Zou -
Number of replies: 5


Regarding the deadlines for the project, in the project guideline, it was indicated that 

4. Delivery of the Game Executable and the Report: (May 13th->23h55min)

5. Project Presentation: (May 18th-> 10min)

6. Project Oral Presentation: (May 25th, 5mins slots)

Could you please specify the difference between the project presentation (5) and the oral presentation (6), and what is expected from us for each of the presentations?




In reply to Yusi Zou

Re: Project (Oral) Presentation

by Nana Tian -

The project presentation will be similar to the pitch presentation but with a full project. Introducing your game and explain your design and creativity. 

The Project Oral presentation will be one by one, we will randomly ask questions about your contribution. 

"An oral exam will be conducted with each group. Several questions will be asked to each individual student of the group. Students are expected to be capable of answering questions related to their projects. The performance of the student during this exam will determine their individual grade."

Hope it's clear~

Best regards,


In reply to Nana Tian

Re: Project (Oral) Presentation

by Yusi Zou -
Hi Nana,

Thank you! That is very clear to me. 

Have a nice evening!
In reply to Yusi Zou

Re: Project (Oral) Presentation

by Louis Philippe Simoes Lopes -


Just o clarify what Nana said.

Delivery of the Game Executable: As stated you will have to submit a fully playable build of you game, which will be tested internally by us. Thus, it is important that the game is capable of standing on its own, without the intervention of the group.

Project Presentation: This will be where you will present your choices and your game to us. It will serve as a way for you to defend your work and explain yourselves. It will also give us the opportunity to ask questions about your work also. For this we expect a 10 minute presentation, with a 10 minute Questions and Answers. So you should prepare slides for this.

Project Oral Presentation: This will serve to assess the contribution of each individual in the group. It will serve to ask questions to each member of the group individually and ascertain who did what during the project. You do not need to prepare slides or anything for this. As I said this serves mostly to determine if the responsibilities and work were evenly distributed among everyone in the group.

I hope this was able to answer your question.



In reply to Louis Philippe Simoes Lopes

Re: Project (Oral) Presentation

by Sébastien Gachoud -


How can we distribute work evenly when we are under confinment and only a single member has a HMD and thus a way to test what he/she does?

All the best

In reply to Sébastien Gachoud

Re: Project (Oral) Presentation

by Louis Philippe Simoes Lopes -

Hi Sebastien,

Given the situation it is true that one member may have a bigger burden than the rest given as they will have the headset and will be conducting the majority of tests. Unfortunately, this is how it is given the situation and we did not forsee this happening when we organized this project. It is also important to note that each group would always have one headset as resources and headsets are expensive regardless of the confinement orders. I also understand that given the situation it is hard to share the headset or get together for that matter.

However, it is important to remember that the game does not just rely on the interactions defined and several standard programming tasks will be necessary which does not necessitate a headset. From creating content, to programming game logic and other types of interactions that can be simulated without a VR headset specifically. More so, code can eventually even be ported to a VR environment. In fact a standard FPS prefab can be used for this without the core mechanics just to test the viability of the level design, traversal or setting the scene with gameplay, for example. Please remember, games are often made by multiple team members and you can't expect an efficient development cycle if everyone is concentrating on a single aspect of development. Hence, we do expect some division of tasks between members and I do not think that is much to ask even during this confinement period.

The guidelines state what core interactions are expected to be present, however we will also be evaluating the quality of the game itself as well. So it is important to remember that. Also, keep in mind by quality we do not mean the graphics or other aesthetic qualities, but rather gameplay, ease of use and also how creative you were taking into account the interactive constraints.

Furthermore, we can't expect that the workload will be evenly distributed all things considered, however we do expect all members to at least have a general understanding of their own game and how it functions. We also expect each member to be actively contributing content/code to the game, and have their own individual tasks. At the end of the day, we expect that all members contribute to the game in some fashion.

