Unity doesn't start from hub and cannot build

Unity doesn't start from hub and cannot build

by Gaultier Lonfat -
Number of replies: 9


I can open the unity editor, only if i open it directly through the scene in the project folder in my file explorer, the problem is that by doing so, in the build settings, it says my license doesn't include android build, so i cannot run it on my headset, when a personal license should be able to do so. In unity hub, if i try to open the project, it just doesn't open it, I tried to uninstall unity fully and reinstall it but nothing change, and i know the project work as i can open it if i don't go through unity hub. I ve tried to update my license but it didn't change anything either.  If someone has a solution I would be extremely grateful, i ve spent days trying to fix this and it s not letting me test my work.

Thank you very much


In reply to Gaultier Lonfat

Re: Unity doesn't start from hub and cannot build

by Mathias Guy Delahaye -


First of all, did it work previously ? If yes, what changed since then ?

When you open your project directly from the scene file in the project folder,
is the version of Unity3D the same as the one proposed in Unity Hub ?
Otherwise, which license did you chose when you installed Unity3D ?

Have you tried to remove the project from Unity Hub and re-add it ?


In reply to Mathias Guy Delahaye

Re: Unity doesn't start from hub and cannot build

by Gaultier Lonfat -

No, it never worked, it s just that as i saw that opening directly the project from the file system avoided the crash from starting from unity hub, i didn't look further and went to try some stuff, only now that i want to try to build and run do I see that i do not have access to android. The version in the editor i open and the one installed in Unity HUB is the same, and when i installed the first time Unity HUB as i had no license i just acitvated a new one and chose personal license. I went to check directly from the editor if it was seeing the license under the account tab and indeed it is there.

In reply to Gaultier Lonfat

Re: Unity doesn't start from hub and cannot build

by Mathias Guy Delahaye -
Have you checked the Android Build Support during the installation as described here :

Also is adb installed ?
In reply to Mathias Guy Delahaye

Re: Unity doesn't start from hub and cannot build

by Gaultier Lonfat -

Yes, I followed the instructions sentence per sentence twice to be sure that i didn't forget anything. I installed the android plugin for Unity, installed android studio and added the SDK to the PATH variable

In reply to Gaultier Lonfat

Re: Unity doesn't start from hub and cannot build

by Mathias Guy Delahaye -
Unfortunately debugging such situation remotely is really painful...

Can you create a new session on your computer (  that you can delete when the project ends )
on your computer and try to setup another instance of Unity using a new email account ?

( This won't solve the issue on your session but might give you the ability to develop on another session )

In reply to Mathias Guy Delahaye

Re: Unity doesn't start from hub and cannot build

by Gaultier Lonfat -

I tried and unity hub bugs and doesn't let me login in the other session. And yes I understand that it is complicated to debug

In reply to Gaultier Lonfat

Re: Unity doesn't start from hub and cannot build

by Mathias Guy Delahaye -

Did you close all Unity instances on your main session ?
By the way you will probably need to re-launch the installation of unity studio to let it fetch adb and reinstall in the local user's AppData folder (and add it to the PATH of the new session).

You can also try to restart the computer to ensure that the new Window session is well initialized.