[LAB 3] Hardware Mailbox

[LAB 3] Hardware Mailbox

par Amaury Pierre Jiezhi Wei,
Number of replies: 2


I have a question regarding Manipulation 3: Hardware Mailbox for Lab 3.

Are we expected to use the "Intel FPGA Avalon Mailbox Core" (link to documentation) to share messages between the two CPUs? Or should we only use the mailbox system already existing in uc/OS-II.

In the slide 23 of the course (link to slide), it says that the Avalon Mailbox Core is deprecated.



In reply to Amaury Pierre Jiezhi Wei

Re: [LAB 3] Hardware Mailbox

par René Beuchat,


Yes the hardware mailbox is said to be deprecated, but nothing replace it now, thus I will recommend to use it for this lab. It's the same principle as seen for the uC/OSII but with the help of a hardware unit. In this case we do not use the uC/OSII. It does not support directly the multiprocessors but we can use mecanisme to do communication and synchronisation between the processors.

Some other OS have multiprocessor capabilities but not used here.
